The Common Denominator
You know something I hear a lot from people that really grinds my gears? "I'm the common denominator" Now, don't get me wrong. It's not...
The Common Denominator
The Mediation
The Town Hall Meeting
The Shed
A Love Letter to the Other Side
Mental Health in the Time of COVID
The Pebbles
The Marbles
The Anthropologist
When the Trauma Isn't Over - COVID-19
The House Alarm
The Marathon
The Screen Door
Old Clothes
The Horror Film
The Snow Globe
Lucy and the Chocolates
The Pretend Tea Party
Gathering the Ingredients
As perhaps a true Millenial, I prefer initial contact via email to coordinate a time to have a phone or video consult
Providing services exclusively via telehealth
Mailing address: PO Box 311391
New Braunfels, TX 78131
©2021 by Lisa Baker LCSW-S PLLC